Illustrated Zelda


Longtime professional, on-staff writer/editor/journalist (broad publishing experience). Developed a particular interest in the wreck of conventional medicine. More-recently semi-professional illustrator. Drinks-industry (retail & events) professional (WSET-Dip).


Like many longtime, working wordsmiths I have wide publishing experience: books, newspapers, peer-reviewed medical journals, magazines, fiction, nonfiction books. Every possible subject category. Published work under my name; under pseudonyms; & “anonymously” (ghostwriter of 12 adult nonfiction print books). I’ve published, edited, assistant-edited, managing-edited, staff-written, & staff-reporter/photographer.

Earned national award for Arctic-region oil-and-gas resource writing (living in Inuvik, NWT). Harlequin romance fiction was anthologized in book format in US & UK, & translated into multiple languages. Living in Montreal, I sat on the regional board of Editors’ Association of Canada (Montreal/Atlantic region); & was personally attacked over 20 years later (in 2022) by EAC’s woke leadership when I used my experience on my City of Vancouver bio as a Vancouver civic-election school-board candidate on an anti-gender ideology platform (the pettiness of woke-marxists knows no bounds, & the City’s election officer was similarly ideologically captured). Taught English at CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) & Airbus while living in Toulouse with my husband.

Illustrated Alphabets

Researching/building/creating illustrated alphabets (two of which are versed) is a personal challenge. My favorite reader comment was for letter A of Illustrated ‘Mental Illness is a Pharma Fiction’ Alphabet (which I can’t find, so I may remake in an updated form):

“The #writhing #electric discharge #piercing through everything is #perfect…with a thin pale veneer that lays on top of it all…excellent. The way it holds onto you like a #wetpower cord; it will never let you let it go. This thing of yours has legs. I was just rereading #statusanxiety by #AlaindeBotton…”

I’m grateful for positive comments from my small audience, & also grateful to detractors, since they show the tenacity of the indoctrination by psychiatry &, indeed, by allopathic medicine as a whole. Despite being in the top-three causes of death (iatrogenesis), people continue to believe that conventional medicine treats & heals. Past experience as a medical editor became useful in multiple ways as pharma came to play a central role in everyone’s lives. [RE pharma, in 2022/23 I volunteered on a “sudden death” obituary data-collection team. The information buried surface-deep in obituaries made the result of recent pharma mandates clear.]


My movement into illustration emerged from becoming a drinks-industry professional (WSET-Dip). While working in retail & events I began illustrating & cartooning on wine & spirits. My work was featured on many drinks blogs, including James Beard-awarded Wine Folly. Eventually I innovated/invented animated tasting-notes, which attracted a Forbes feature by industry-known wine writer, Cathy Huyghe.

I also experimented with other subject categories. A hand-lettered children’s illustration earned a prize from industry-famous, New York Lilla Rogers Studio.

I also work with words in acrylic paint. I posted an entertaining, time-lapse painting vid on my otherwise-unused Instagram @alphabetzelda (my previous 1300-follower account was censored off the platform after an unhinged Muslim reported me when I defended Rebel Media’s Australian-Israeli journalist). In 2021, I managed the Insta account for a candidate of the People’s Party of Canada (the only political party in Canada that supported Canadian Constitutional rights & freedoms, & that opposed all mandates). Being censored off Insta motivated me to move my artwork & CV to this free-speech platform.

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