Jul 8, 2022Liked by Zelda Sydney

Only Big Pharma acquired slimy carte blanche legal immunity from Congress. Other institutions, like employers, did not - something maybe they should have thought about as now some of them are being sued. I hope that gives other institutions pause - food for thought before they go after future mandates.

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100% agree. If people genuinely realized the astonishing and outrageous global power that pharma was given (via that vax-harm immunity) – and its implications – MAYBE they'd give up the security blankets of their toxic pills and toxic potions in order to bankrupt the motherfuckers for good and forever.

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Zelda Sydney

I agree. Seems Big Pharma and Big Ag became every more harm oriented than help oriented (no Hippocratic oath type thinking it THEIR kingdoms) to the point that yes - more people may live and thrive without them.

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"I COULD list 10 criminal-pharma products per letter!"

only 10? and indeed the crimes are astounding... to consider the crimes takes $BeBrave

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You must have picked up a lot of behind-the-scenes information during your time as a pharmacist...

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i constantly saw what i call "mis-prescribing..." e.g., high doses (double max per mfg)... prescribed "as needed," when scheduled use makes the drug actually work (up to 60% placebo effect in any study)... directing use at bedtime for drugs that CAUSE insomnia or only work if taken before a meal... repeat antibiotic courses when condition is getting worse, not better (turns out patient has allergy to chemically-similar drug)... constant over-prescribing of rescue inhalers... all adverse effects evident from my vantage point and delineated to prescribers and patients daily (!!!)

my post-viral brain wants to give up, do something else... which is how i know I'm still suffering, because, for over a decade, i "lived for," and got a ton of satisfaction from the successful interventions i was able to make... ♡

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(Have you considered looking into Integrative Nutrition courses? Or done a search on integrative pharmacy? There are so many paradigms now, so many people putting their expertise to use in real health modalities, and having a solid base in chemistry is such a leg up!)

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i wish my brain was working, so i would feel like investing in something like that... God only knows... i feel like there are options, but "nothing sticks!" my recall is incomplete and the gaps are scarey in an environment where lives are at stake... i do love educating about the pharmacology and physiology of drugs, mechanisms, etc. seems the natural remedies are less studied, but ... that's all i can think of... at this moment... ugh...

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I understand you're dealing with brain fog. So I guess you have limited ability to research and/or concentrate. But there are SO MANY avenues of information on remedies and paradigms.

Are you taking anything to support your brain, such as coconut oil, which just on its own is known to help enormously (along with major diet shifts away from wheat, gluten, sugar to start)?

And have you watched any of the many brain-health related summits that often pop up online? They're always free to watch, and you discover all sorts of people doing work in specific areas. And people run the gamut from MDs, neurologists, to post-doc researchers of all types, to all the types of non-conventional clinicians. My favourite conventional neurologists were David Perlmutter and Datis Kharrazian. You shouldn't be suffering in silence, or be relying on pharma (!). There's so much new information on brain fog.

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if only... yes, i take the citicholine and a new one this winter that i found... CarnosynSR... it is over 4 pages on paper... ty for your suggestions... it's been quite a journey... i was only able to even think about replying to posts on ss as of June 11... #BrainSlowlyReawakening ... emphasis on sloooooooowww... i really want to be able to navigate my way out, but i have definitely wished for help! ty for caring ❤

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